county news online
More Photos from Kiwanis Pancake Day
It was a time to renew old acquaintances and meet new ones. Keith “Fuzzy” Fausnaught; Scott & Cindy Riffle; Rob & Tina Chalmers and family; Dave Niley; Mayor Mike Bowers and family, Don & Lori Denniston… and more. Read story with photos here. See more photos here
February’s Ice & Snow Challenges
The recent ice and snow Darke Countians and Southwest Ohio residents have been facing offer opportunities for beauty, and for challenges. The unbroken stretch for the past several weeks has also led many to “cabin fever.” Some have chosen to depict the weather from their perspective. Angela Chavez, Dayton, and Senior Scribe Lyn Bliss, Greenville, have sent pictures of the beauty, and the danger, presented by Mother Nature. Senior Scribe Bev Hughes chose to sit down at her computer keyboard and express her wishes for an early spring. Even the most challenging circumstances provide opportunities for creativity… enjoy!  See photos and poem here
Punxsutawney Phil - A little nonsense and a 4-Day forecast

So what can you say about the last couple of weeks, other than it’s been cold and we’ve had everything from fog patches and drizzle at 32 degrees, to ice and snow that generally made life miserable?

We’ve had some great photos sent to us… check them out. Does that help?

See photos here
The Bliss Family Alaskan Huskies...

They're like children, especially when they're acting up, but they add pleasure to the lives of the Bliss Family. And it seems they are right at home in this "Alaska" winter. Three and Cherokee enjoy the outside more than they do the inside... except of course in the summer - By Lyn Bliss
See photos here
Winter in Darke County...

The elegance and beauty of a Darke County Winter - By Lyn Bliss
See photos here
Winter in Darke County...

A Week of Snow, Ice, Hazardous Roads and No School, Elegance and Beauty Part II - By Bob Robinson
See photos here

senior scribes

County News Online

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