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Teen Scribes Poetry

Poetry by Leslie Logan... click here to read

Poetry by Sammy Lobenstein... click here to read

Poetry by Christy Riley... click here to read

Poetry by
Elizabeth Horner... click here to read

Poetry by
Dorothy Gilbert... click here to read

Poetry by
Chiane Marie Tedrow... click here to read
Grandma’s Story, By Hannah Cloyd, 8th Grade, DeColores Montessori School
“Hurray Mawma, hurry! I’m all ready for bed. I’m in bed. I’m ready to go to sleep,” I called from the extra bedroom in my grandmother’s house. This typically isn’t the cheering you hear from a four year old girl, but this was no ordinary night. Tonight I would get to hear my grandma’s story, but not just any story tonight! Tonight my grandmother would tell me my favorite story, The Tar Baby. “Are you ready... read more
I am a Lucky Girl, By Morgan Kelch, 7th Grade, Versailles Exemplified Village Schools
I am a lucky girl. I have a great-grandma. Not just any great-grandma, mine is special. I know what you are thinking; everyone thinks that their grandma is special. Mine really is. Everything she does is for others. One of the many things she does is make homemade applesauce, angel food cakes, and noodles to pass out to family and friends. When someone in the community passes away, she is happy... read more
Memory Filled Shore, By Olivia Wysong, 8th Grade, DeColores Montessori School
Tiring and out of breath I climbed to the top of the towering sand dune. I holler back down to Grandpa who was only about half way up. I leaped down to him and my feet sunk just enough to allow the fine sand to creep around my toes. I grabbed his rough hand and used all my weight to help him up. He pretended that I was strong enough to pull him, and allowed himself to be drug to the top of the hill. When we reached the... read more
Grandpa on a Boat!!!, By Christopher Force, 7th Grade, DeColores Montessori School
Splash! As my grandpa let down his blue striped boat into the crystal clear lake, I could fee a soft breeze blow across the water. It was going to be a great sailing day. We were in the boat waiting to start out my grandpa turned the key but the motor replied with no response. My grandpa had forgotten one thing – to get gas for the boat. So, we headed to the gas station. On our way there a crazy thing happened... read more
My first speech before NPC group, By Elizabeth Horner
I was going through strong emotions as I travelled to Des Plaines , IL memorizing my speech at the back seat of the van --- the speech that I was going to deliver the following day, May 28, 2011 at Café La Cave before National Press Club Phil-USA members.  I wondered how they would receive an 11th grade student discourse. Upon arrival at the event, I was greeted by the President and... read more
My Thoughts On Stelvideo Christian Church Memorial Day Service
May 29, 2011 - By Christy Riley - If you do not remember the past, you are doomed to repeat it. So let us all never forget those who died and the past wars America fought. May we always remember the mistakes made lest we repeat the same mistakes twice. Point is, go out and thank a veteran, for because of him/her you have freedom. I arrived twenty minutes early. It took me awhile... read more
Teen Summer... Looking forward
Summer is almost here and four Teen Scribes think ahead to summer days... even the coming school year. Some of them will be entering high school. It can be scary or it can be an exciting challenge... or both. Want to know what some of these young people are thinking? Here are the thoughts of Sammy Lobenstein, Moe Donthnier, Leslie Logan and Elizabeth Horner... read more
College Bound 2012, by Elizabeth Horner
The end of this school year is almost here.  I feel honored to be asked to be the flag bearer in this year’s GSH commencement.  Somehow, at this time of the year, I find the after effect of stopping and reflecting on the things that have happened during the school year soothing, especially after my mind is content with the plan I have for the next leg of my academic journey.  Next year, I will know for certain which... read more
Happy Mother’s Day, By Elizabeth Horner
At three years old, you coaxed me to sleep, Reading stories that became part of my dreams, “Cinderella”, “Mike and Tony Best Friends”, By five, I flipped through books on my own, I traveled the world from inside our home, Always disappointed when I came to “the end”... read more
Preempting the New Year’s Resolution Madness, #4 Having a Helping Heart
By Kayla Lemar, Teen Scribe - Volunteerism is officially defined as working without payment.  But just as patience is not just waiting, but waiting with a good attitude, so volunteerism is not just having helping hands, but having a helping heart that extends them. For a long time, volunteering was my duty.  In fact, one of the reasons I didn’t keep a job during High School because I preferred... read more
The Royal Wedding and the Monarchy, By Elizabeth Horner, Teen Scribe
The international press descended in London to cover what the media is reporting to be the most watched television event in history, the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. The television stations crammed the airwaves as I woke up early Friday morning  April 29.  Who designed Kate’s dress? How much did the affair cost? Will the prince and princess live happily ever after? People... read more
An invitation to all peers
Teenage years are a time for self-expression--- learning how the world works and then finding our place in it. It is important to build our skills, learn our lessons, establish friendships, be allowed to make mistakes and make amends.  It is also important that our voices are heard too! This is where Teen Scribes comes in. It’s a forum where young people can share their thoughts and feelings safely... read more
Relief, By Leslie Logan, Grade 8, Teen Scribe
As calm as a lady bug, as quiet as the snow drops, it is the serenity of how I feel. I bend down to re-tie the laces on my Chuck Taylor’s shoes when my cell phone rings. “Austyn, oh my God, you have to hurry!!!”. My twin sister Catalina is hysteric on the other end.  “Cat, where are you!? What’s wrong??!  “It’s Jake! He got hit by a car at papw’s, go to Fifth Street Medical Center, he is in the ER”... read more
Congratulations, Christal!

Congratulations to Christal Smith in winning the Regional Power of the Pen Tournament and welcome to Teen Scribes!... read more
The value of writing, by Elizabeth Horner
Thank you to the Early Bird Newspaper and County News Online for welcoming the Teen Scribes of Darke County and giving us a forum for our voices to be heard.  Teen Scribes wants to welcome students who want to try their hands in creative writing and journalism. Teen Scribes hopes that as a group, we can promote writing as a form of self expression, to become more familiar with our own thoughts, feelings... read more
Preempting the New Year’s Resolution Madness - #3 Stick to a Budget, By Kayla Lemar, Teen Scribe
So it’s month number three in our journey to preempt the New Year’s Resolution madness.  What’s up next?  How to stick to a budget. There’s really no good reason not to live on a budget—not for anybody, no matter what age, unless you’re Donald Trump. Why?  Because unless you found gold while diving in the South Pacific, everyone has a limited amount of money, and has to live within... read more
Computer on the Fritz, By Elizabeth Horner, Teen Scribe
Recently, I suffered a great loss, or at least it felt that way. Our home computer with internet access protracted the electronic version of severe stomach-flu virus that just won’t go away. I am without e-mail… fanfiction… and even plain old Google. We need to call the electronic doctor again, only after 3 days of what appeared to me to be a full recovery! It reminds me of the old saying that sometimes you... read more
Empowerment, Notes on a Horner speech to “Circle of Empowered Women”
Skokie, Ill. - March 4, 2011 - “Recently, we witnessed people power at play in the streets of Cairo. I hope that with the changes in government in Egypt comes increased respect for basic human rights including those of women,” Elizabeth Horner commented. This eleventh grade student of Greenville Senior High was one of four guest speakers and the only youth to speak at the celebration of “International Women... read more
World Changers, By Christy L. Riley, Teen Scribe
A world-changer is someone who makes a difference in the world. To be a world-changer, one does not need to be wealthy, born great, talented, famous, or anything else. All you truly need is to be yourself because you can be a world changer by making a difference in the smallest of things. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher yet learn at the same time? As a volunteer at the Darke County YMCA, I am able... read more
Preempting the New Year’s Resolution Madness - #8 Fall In Love - By Kayla Lemar, Teen Scribe
It’s month two on our journey of Preempting the New Year’s Resolution Madness, and I know you must be heartbroken because I skipped six of the top 12 New Year’s Resolutions, but how many of us can honestly say weight loss and budgeting are on our minds when it’s almost Valentine’s Day?  They aren’t on this girl’s mind (That’s for sure.), because this is my first Valentine’s Day with a... read more
Power of the Pen, by Elizabeth Horner
Greenville Junior High hosted this year’s “District Power of the Pen Competition”.  Thanks to the Greenville City School’s Board, Superintendent Susie Riegal and Principal David Peltz for their support and for allowing this event to take place in Greenville this year. Many thanks to: Mrs. Elaine Bailey for her tireless effort to support this program and coordinating this event; the Best of Round judges... read more
Key Club - By Abby Kindley, Teen Scribe
High school is said to hold the key to opportunity. As I entered my first year in high school, I discovered that statement can be true in more ways than one. I found this out when I joined Greenville High School’s Key Club. Ever since the first Key Club started at Sacramento High School in Sacramento, California there have been wide outpourings of students signing up to join... read more
Preempting the New Year’s Resolution Madness - #1 Quit Smoking, Before You Start
 By Kayla Lemar, Teen Scribe
 It's 2011.  And with it has come the long list of New Year's Resolutions each of us drafted during December. While drudging up a list of my own I did a little research on what everyone else in the world wanted to do with their 2011.  I found twelve priority resolutions that year after year people post on the web, write in their diaries... read more
Alice in Wonderland: Child Fable or Secretly Sublime? By Dorothy Gilbert, Teen Scribe
Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgen published The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland in 1865. This children's book, thought notorious through the years, seems oddly sublime to some. Many assumptions have been made about Dodgen, presuming he was high or in a drunken stupor when writing the fable. Perhaps, with it being the 1800's, he was simply blind with ignorance and innocence... read more
Mississinawa Valley Experiments with E-Days By Dorothy Gilbert, Teen Scribe
With Darke County schools only being allowed three calamity days this year, Mississinawa Valley has decided to excel with the technological advancements and allow students two e-days. An e-day would be when students miss a fourth school day, they are able to go online to the school's website and complete an online lesson teachers have prepared. A survey was conducted and most MV students have internet access. To accommodate for those who don’t... read more
Christmas Time by Elizabeth Horner, Teen Scribe
It is almost certain that by the time I wake up in the morning of December 12, 2010 I will be looking out at frozen surroundings.  It will be deceptively calm as I peep through my bedroom window.  Our yard will be beautifully landscaped with white fluffy stuff as the snow storm moves through our area. It is also going to be just a little over a week when I will be let out of school for the holidays... read more
Living by the clock by Elizabeth Horner, Teen Scribe
What significance does the tick of the clock or the sand trickling through an hourglass have for anyone?  It is us humans that have created the concept of time.  Our advanced brains have given us the ability to affect nature--- to farm, to build, to invent machines--- and from that came our desire to structure our days... read more

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