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Bear’s Mill... Step back in time, Posted by Paul
SEP 26 - I’ve been thinking about this one for a while. I know some of you think the theme of this blog is Celtic Thunder. It isn’t really. It’s exactly what it says up above, the view from the penthouse. My view is far and wide. I think some of my apprehension stems from the fact that I don’t know if I can really do the justice to this subject that I feel it deserves. I find everything about it truly... read more
State Representative Jim Buchy... “Black-Gold” Rush Set To Begin in Days
A major part of Ohio’s history is the oil boom of the 1800s, but that “black-gold” eventually dried up.  The shale this state sits on still contains oil and natural gas, and new technology will allow us to harvest this natural resource.  What does this mean for Ohio?  It means jobs, improvements to our state parks, new wealth in the poorest areas of our state and affordable energy in a time when Ohio is lacking... read more
Ohio Supreme Court... Chief Justice Supports State Issue 1
Sept. 28, 2011 - A statewide ballot issue that would raise the mandatory constitutional retirement age for Ohio judges to 75 has the support of Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor. In a one-minute video statement, Chief Justice O’Connor notes that State Issue 1 will maintain a strong court system. “Currently, judges cannot run for office after they turn 70,” she says. “This arbitrary age limit eliminates... read more
Cooperation or conflict? By Jim Surber
Just three weeks ago, communities throughout the nation were holding observances of the events of September 11, 2001. This event also marked the onset of cooperation that existed for a short time among the leaders in Congress. In quick response to the attack, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security that represented the largest restructuring of the U.S. government in contemporary... read more
What’s going on? Submitted By Don Wright
First published in the Daily Advocate, reprinted by permission of the author - By now I’m sure all of you property owners have your new 2011 tax appraisals. I personally could not believe my good luck. Here we are in a national recession. Property values all over our country plunging but not in Ohio and Darke County. I have one farm that was valued at $412,900 in 2010 but now in 2011 it’s valued at $660,560... read more
Partial answer to Don Wright’s “friends” questions, By Bob Rhoades
I can’t answer all of the questions you have, but I can answer a few of them either because I got involved with a local project or because I used to perform one of the functions questioned. First off I’ll have to agree with everything Don said about the state of Ohio.  I worked there, in Columbus for the state for a long time and it pretty much is do as I say and not as I do.  Bureaucracies are like that. When... read more
Contradictions, don’t you love it? By Bob Rhoades
Thursday’s CNO was, as always, filled with good local and national stories, opinions and local info. It also had some excellent contradictions, and of course it involved the dreaded SB5 aka Issue 2. The Dayton Business Journal always has good information.  Today they reported on the United Auto Workers signing a new contract.  What a deal those people got!  A signing bonus of $5000 for hourly... read more
State Representative Richard Adams... Listening to the Voices of Ohioans
I believe that most decisions in life should be made by the individuals who will be directly affected by them. They should not be made by bureaucrats in a centralized location, people who have never, and will never, meet those which their decisions and actions impact. Since the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” Americans began to understand that their healthcare decisions... read more
Debbie… and millions like her, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
Two-year-old Debbie surveyed her surroundings with a sense of calm. It was quiet... she was alone. On the other side of the room was the box with the funny pictures on it. It made her laugh. Sometimes. It had big people on it now... grownups. She looked away. She couldn’t hear what they were saying. Next to it is the couch Daddy lies on when he’s looking at the box. Debbie liked the couch. Daddy’s... read more
I Shall Not Forget - September 11, 2011, By Christy Riley, Teen Scribe
Today I went to downtown Greenville to see a ceremony and parade off of Broadway as it commended the 10th Anniversary of 9-11. The ceremony took place first at 2:00 p.m. and was followed by a parade at 2:30 p.m. Afterwards, an open house was held at the Greenville Fire Department for the Greenville Fire & Police Department and it was open to the public. Thoughts from the people I talked with, also... read more
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown... Remembering 9/11
September 11, 2011 - Dear Friends, Ten years ago, our nation’s shock and fear in the wake of the September 11 attacks was soon supplanted by compassion and unity. It is this spirit of solidarity we reaffirm and remember today. Today, we honor those who lost their lives ten years ago – thousands of innocent people from different faiths and walks of life. September 11, 2001 was a tragic day. But from that tragedy, we... read more
State Representative Jim Buchy... An Explanation of Cuts to Balance the Budget
There has been a lot of talk about the balanced budget, but people never talk about the sacrifices made to balance the budget.  Throughout the process, my colleagues and I met with many citizens who discussed why their cause was important and why funds should be left intact for the program.  In those meetings, I never once was asked by anyone to seek an increase in funds.  Ohioans know the legislature... read more
State Senator Bill Beagle... District Schools Earn High Marks
COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Education recently released their report cards for school districts throughout the state. District report cards come out annually and are used to assess levels of achievement and effectiveness at our local schools. The hard work and dedication of students and faculty across the 5th Senate District was on display as 12 of our school districts were named ‘Excellent... read more
A time for remembrance, By George Starks
GREENVILLE - It wasn’t about age as the young and old alike were on hand. Broadway was the place to be Sunday afternoon as Darke County took time to reflect and remember Tuesday, September 11, 2001. On that day, over 300 firefighters lost their lives as 60 law enforcement officers gave the ultimate sacrifice as well. The Greenville High School band played The Star Spangled Banner before Jim Buchy... read more
United in Remembrance, That’s My Opinion, By Bob Robinson
War was declared on the United States of America 10 years ago. While some may not be willing to acknowledge it, we are still fighting that war today. When two hijacked planes brought the World Trade Center Towers down, another plane hit the Pentagon and passengers brought a fourth plane down on its way to Washington, D.C., we watched, numb with shock and disbelief. Each of us past our late... read more
Old Glory; Keep Her Flying, By George Starks
Do you remember that day? I do and short of me having full blown Alzheimers, I will never forget. It started off for me like any other normal day. Sept. 11, 2001. I got out of bed, grabbed my coffee, did my normal routine... getting ready for work. I arrived at work, coffee mug in hand, clocked in and went to my everyday job, cutting gears in a machine shop. That was the end of what would otherwise be a ‘normal’ day... read more
So who is he? By Bob Robinson
If you are a farmer, or interested in local agricultural information, or spent much time in 4H, FHA or other ag events at the fair, you probably already know. His name anyway. His name is Justin Petrosino and he is the AgNR Extension Educator for
OSU Extension in Darke County. He’s been in Darke County a little over a year and regularly provides agricultural updates for County News Online. Not too long ago I... read more
Should fewer people be voting? By Jim Surber
Democracy is a system of government where the people are responsible for determining the course and actions their nation will take. This can, in theory, happen through direct democracy where the people vote on nearly every issue that arises. However, as no pure direct democracy exists in the world, the other alternative is indirect democracy, where people vote to elect representatives, who then in turn make the... read more
It’s been too long... Nice to be back, By George Starks
When I was forced away from the Darke County sports scene two years ago, it was a hard pill to swallow. When I moved to Penn State country, I really thought I would only be coming back in a box. I was missing the kids and the coaches, not to mention my three grandchildren, now four. That goes without saying. When I showed up at Eldora Speedway Sunday with my grandson Dylan, I got a very nice surprise. Yes, I raised... read more
All the Bad Parents Out There Raise Your Hand, By Marybeth Hicks
8/31/2011 - Ok, fess up. Are you a good parent or a bad one? Last week, bad parents were all over the news, so if you weren’t plastered throughout the media for pouring hot sauce down your son’s throat, shaving your daughter’s head for lying, or otherwise terrorizing the little ones in your care, you’re not as bad as some. The story that typifies bad for me bore this headline: “Brother and sister sue mom... read more
State Auditor Dave Yost... The Wreck of Edward FitzGerald
August 30, 2011 - Among the sloppy and untrue ideas that stain our civic fabric is this: that governments may do whatever they deem proper, as long as the ends are good.  I emphatically disagree – and that’s how I ended up in a fight this week with Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald. For the last several years, Cuyahoga County has mailed out an absentee ballot application to every registered voter, along with... read more
State Representative Jim Buchy... Working Together to Bring Jobs
Issue 2 is Key to the New Direction - Lately, I have noticed a few people in the district speaking about Issue 2, collective bargaining reform for government employees, as if they had all the facts.  Unfortunately, the claims made and printed in local newspapers by these individuals are not the facts.  A YES on Issue 2 means jobs, and a NO means status quo. Issue 2 will lower the cost of doing business in this... read more
Veterans day at the fair made me reflect, By George Starks
Attending memorial services isn’t exactly my cup of tea. For only the second time in my life, I attended the Veterans Day service at the fair this year. I don’t know why I went but something told me to go. I’m glad I did. I don’t know who the speaker was but he said some things that made me think. When someone sets my wheels in motion, I tend to speak my mind and that doesn’t happen very often. It did... read more
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