Daily Events...
Obama is a genius
Mondays with Tony Lee
Last week I had mentioned that President Obama was a genius for
officially announcing that he would run for reelection because the
mainstream media would put their Obama jerseys on. Democrats failed to
pass a budget while they were in control of Congress, failed to offer a
budget of their own during this cycle, and failed to give up funding an
organization primarily known for killing the unborn in Planned
Parenthood (to think Planned Parenthood primarily exists for other
reasons and services is akin to believing that brothels exist to give
men ample opportunities to engage in conversation).
The mainstream media told you none of this.
Instead, the MSM painted Republicans as extreme on social issues. And
they painted Obama as a leader who brought Democrats and Republicans
together. The implication was that Obama was neither a Democrat or a
Republican and instead a leader. They even praised Obama’s detachment
and somehow made the connection that detachment equaled leadership. And
they did not call him out for using a government shutdown that could
have prevented our men and women in the military from being paid for
his own political gain by making speeches from the White House with the
Washington Monument in the background and making a trip to greet
tourists at the Lincoln Memorial.
Now that Obama is in campaign mode, so will the fanboys and fangirls in
the mainstream media. Quite frankly, you can say it’s “Obama-able.”
— Tony Lee