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SB5 vote could hurt GOP, or not
Sunday August 14, 2011 

Imagine a ship in a bottle, crafted, surgeon-like, by steady-handed Republicans with lots of patience: Think Ohio House Speaker William G. Batchelder, a Medina Republican, the rest of the conservative circle around Republican Gov. John Kasich, and the Ohio Senate’s Republicans. 

Then imagine a baseball bat, held by Democrats and many independents, poised to smash the Republicans’ handiwork into smithereens. 

That’s the peril Republicans face going into a statewide November referendum on their anti-public-employee-union Senate Bill 5. At the moment, SB 5 is a loser. 

Maybe Republicans are in danger; maybe not. For one thing, for Democrats to do maximum damage, they’d have to swing their bat in November 2012 — when the presidency and the General Assembly are on Ohio’s ballot — not this November. (Legally, Democrats had no choice on the timing.) 

For another, come what may, Republicans can write their own 2012 insurance policies — then, conveniently, approve their own claims. Republicans rule the board that’ll redraw state Senate and Ohio House districts for the November 2012 election. That “process” — to give it undeserved dignity — was designed in the mid-1960s. 

In the 23 Ohio House elections since, the party that drew the legislative map has captured or kept a House majority 21 times. That’s a 91 percent success rate. The only exceptions: In 1992, House Speaker Vernal G. Riffe, an Appalachian Democrat, spent a fortune (and, arguably, exhausted himself into illness) to keep a 1993 and 1994 majority. 

And in 2008, future Speaker Armond Budish, a Beachwood Democrat, captured the House from Republicans (for 2009 and 2010). Be it remembered, though, part of the reason was Barack Obama’s strong Ohio showing. Good luck with that in 2012. That’s not to say the president can’t carry Ohio again. But given public frustration over unemployment and evaporating 401(k) retirement accounts, Obama’s unlikely to have 2008’s coat-tails. (Fearless prediction: The Republican presidential candidate will be Texas Gov. Rick Perry.) 

Besides redrawing General Assembly districts, Republicans (Kasich and the Republican-led state Senate and Ohio House) get to redraw Ohio congressional districts for 2012. Ohio has 18 U.S. House members, but is losing two. Of today’s 18 seats, Republicans hold 13, Democrats five. That means Democrats hold 28 percent of Ohio’s congressional seats in what is supposed to be — and is — a state that is closely divided politically. 

Of speculation, there’s plenty: In greater Cleveland, will Republicans induce Democratic U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich to try his luck in Washington state? In the Miami Valley, will the GOP try punishing Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, of Urbana, for bucking U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, of Butler County’s West Chester Township? 

Who knows? Just one thing is for sure: Entirely separate from the Jordan question — after all, the party of Lincoln, like the kingdom of Heaven, welcomes back prodigals — there’s no way a Republican-run General Assembly is going to seriously weaken Boehner’s Washington seat-count. Boehner is an Ohio House alumnus who served alongside Batchelder. Boehner arguably is also the most powerful Ohioan in Washington since the first Bob Taft (a U.S. senator from 1939 to 1953). 

An extremely shrewd Democrat recently said that everything Kasich and his legislative allies do seems to mobilize — “energize the base” — of Ohio Democrats: Unionized Ohioans, black Ohioans, Northeast Ohioans. Possibly so. But, for Republican purposes, better that should happen this November than in November 2012. 

As for Senate Bill 5 specifically, if voters kill it, Kasich et al. can tell their fellow Republicans — when they take a break, say, during polo matches — that, hey, at least we tried. 

Read it at the Columbus Dispatch


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