Magazine 24...
of the
Freebies, Home of the Enslaved
January 19, 2012
We know
that 47% of all Americans do not pay federal income taxes. But as a
nation do
we really understand what that is doing to current and future
generations? More
and more people are becoming dependent on government and the shocking
part is
our very own Congress may be doing it…by design!
information and data in this video is sure to infuriate. You may need
to watch
this video twice in order to fully understand the depth and scope of
problem. Also, we believe this video answers the question “How did
America get
to this point?” by analyzing the percentage of non-payers of federal
taxes from Ronald Reagan to the Barack Obama. One may argue that over
the past
few decades our elected officials have slowly and methodically enslaved
nation by engineering the electorate by making them more dependent on
In our
estimation this video is one of the most important videos we have, or
will ever, make. If there is any video to forward to your friends and
family…THIS IS IT!!
To read
this story and others at Mail Magazine and see the video, click here