the bistro off broadway

Mitt Romney’s Remarks are Another Chick-Fil-A Moment
By Erick Erickson
September 19th, 2012 

Just a few months ago, Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A, gave an interview to a Christian publication that asked him about the Chick-Fil-A Foundation’s support of marriage. Cathy defending his position and spoke about his family’s faith. picked it up and ran a story that Cathy had come out against gay marriage. 

In fact, Cathy hadn’t been asked directly about gay marriage, but it was implicit in what he said. The story swirled around the internet. Leftwingers and media mouthpieces across the country condemned Chick-Fil-A for serving bigotry on a bun. Suddenly the most controversial thing in America was two buttered buns and a pickle. Mayors were demanding Chick-Fil-A not come to their cities. Liberals were screaming about intolerance and bigotry. 

Then Mike Huckabee and others declared a Chick-Fil-A Day. On the appointed day, lines of cars stretched around city blocks. Lines of people stretched across parking lots. Turns out a lot of people agreed with Dan Cathy. But it also turned out a lot of people who did not agree, but were not offended and showed up to support Chick-Fil-A. 

A counter protest was held — a so called “kiss in.” Few people showed up. 

The Chick-Fil-A controversy animated a whole lot of people. It just turned out that the people it most animated were the people who agreed with Dan Cathy. 

So it is, I think, with Mitt Romney’s comments. I think the media and the left have badly misread the American mood on this. On CNN yesterday, I spent a fair amount of time with Kate Bolduan and Joe Johns, two of my favorite people. They kept focusing on Mitt Romney’s characterization of the word “victims.” 

What I explained to them and what I think the media misses is that many of the people the media would claim Mitt Romney described as “victims’ weren’t who Mitt Romney was speaking about. And those people intrinsically know it. They may technically fall into the category Mitt Romney described as government dependent victims, but they know he’s not talking about them. He’s talking about the people they also are talking about… 

Read the rest of the article at Redstate

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