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Will Pedophiles be Covered Under Senate “ENDA” Bill?
By Daniel Horowitz
November 3rd, 2013

While it’s possible to recover from fiscal bankruptcy, we will never recover from the moral bankruptcy in Washington. We will never build a free and prosperous country built upon the ruins of the civil society. But this week in Washington, Harry Reid’s Senate will spend the entire week using the power of government to infringe upon our liberty and destroy the civil society.

As we noted on Thursday, the Senate “ENDA” bill (S.815) would bestow civil rights status on anyone who claim they were denied a job because of “such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.” As part of a trial lawyer’s dream, the term “gender identity” is so vague and subjective that it includes “the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, with or without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.”

Let’s put aside the issue of legislating immorality on private individuals and businesses. There is a legitimate question as to what constitutes a sexual orientation or a gender identity. Before insanity reigned supreme in recent years, a man was a man and a woman was a woman. But if all appearances or mannerisms “with or without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth” are included, then who is to say that a pedophile is not covered under this bill?

Think such an eventuality is outlandish? Think again.

On Friday, the Washington Times broke the story that the American Psychiatric Association in its new edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, reclassified pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” instead of a mental illness. According to Breitbart, it was only after the Liberty Council exposed this deplorable act that the APA put out a press release declaring the reclassification a text error.

For the rest of this article and more, go to Redstate

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