the bistro off broadway

Hang One, To Encourage the Others
by Ann Coulter
Oct 24, 2013

One of the most effective ways of discouraging people is to make them think there's absolutely nothing they can do about something, anyway. Thus, liberals have tried to insinuate that Obamacare is impossible to remove, hoping conservatives will despair.

But with only one-half of one branch of government, Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and the House Republicans have made it absolutely clear that Republicans are not giving up on repealing Obamacare. Inasmuch as "bubonic plague" is polling higher than "Obamacare," I'd say this is a brilliant marketing strategy for the GOP.

Unlike every other idiotic government program ever foisted on us by the Democrats, this time Republicans are not rolling over on this illegitimately passed, disastrous legislation. Give Republicans a veto-proof majority in the Senate, America, and they will rid us of this plague. (Without even charging a co-pay!)

Not only that, but Republicans have exposed Democrats as hypocrites who are forcing the rest of the country to live under Obamacare, while shutting down the government rather than live under it themselves.

With any luck, the Obama-Reid government shutdown -- as Sean Hannity calls it -- has also impressed upon Republicans the importance of winning elections.

Whatever cavils and objections liberals have to the Republicans' majority in the House, the Democrats' Senate majority certainly does not reflect the popular will. At least nine sitting Democratic senators have asterisks by their names, indicating seats given away by Republicans through unforced errors.

The only thing the Democrats' majority demonstrates is the stunning incompetence, stupidity and malfeasance of the Republican Party.

Here are a few Senate seats recently sacrificed by Republicans.

In 2008, career prosecutors in George W. Bush's Department of Justice convicted Republican senator Ted Stevens of Alaska for various corruption offenses just weeks before the election. The prosecution was so sleazy that not only was the conviction thrown out, but the indictment was tossed -- by Obama's Justice Department, no less.

Too late! Stevens had already lost his re-election. The winning Democrat will now hold that seat in perpetuity.

If that were ever done to a Democrat, the prosecutors' names would be known by every American, objects of obloquy worse than "Halliburton." But there's no cost to throwing a Republican senator's election.

That's one Senate seat.

For the rest of this article and more, go to Townhall

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