HandsOn West Central Ohio
A Note on
Volunteerism… Judy Francis
Name: Judy Francis
From: Greenville
Volunteers for: HandsOn West Central through RSVP, Darke County Humane
Why Judy volunteers and would encourage others to volunteer: “The
animals will not get a fair shake if we don't make it happen. Most of
my time is spent fundraising for the animals to give them a better
life. I have always been a volunteer type person and I can't imagine a
person not wanting to lend a hand to their favorite project to make a
difference. Getting out and helping no matter what you choose in this
life to volunteer at is the most healthy thing in life to do. It is so
rewarding to help others and animals. We never know how much we have
helped others.”
(submitted by Sarah M. Brunson, HandsOn West Central Ohio Volunteer)