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Darke County Parks...
Wayne Industries individuals busy helping Park District  
August 28, 2011 

Individuals from Wayne Industries have been very busy this summer for the Darke County Park District. As they continue their weekly adoption of the in-town Parks, they have completed everything and anything from trimming and mowing the trails, to picking up litter, and ensuring all areas of the park are safe for the public to enjoy!  

Additionally, they stained the wooden structure around the restrooms at Prairie Ridge Meadow, the folding of nearly 800 quarterly Nature Notes newsletters, and the removal of woody-growth at Alice Bish for the Park District.  A HUGE thanks goes out to all these individuals that have been volunteering with the Park District.  It is greatly appreciated to receive dedicated and willing individuals like the volunteers from Wayne Industries/Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities. 

Keep up all the hard work!



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