VFW Auxiliary donates
to Darke County Cancer Assn
Ladies Auxiliary, Inc. to V. F. W. Greenville Memorial Post 7262
(LAVFW) recently presented an $800 donation to the Cancer Association
of Darke County (CADC). Additionally, the Auxiliary made a $100
donation to the Monte Carlo Night fund raiser held by the CADC.
Pictured (L to R) are Marilyn Emmons (LAVFW Treasurer and CADC Board
Member), Lyn Bliss (President LAVFW), Delores Beisner (LAVFW member and
CADC Board Chairman), Dori Howdieshell (LAVFW Historian, CADC Board
Member, and CADC Monte Carlo Chairman), and Eddie Grace Young (LAVFW
member and CADC Board Member). For information regarding the LAVFW
phone (937) 423-2299. For information regarding the CADC phone (937)
548-9960. (Submitted Photo)