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Self Defense and Concealed Carry Instructor Bruce Mikesell speaks to Darke County Republican Women regarding personal protection plans and self defense. (L. Bliss Photo) 
 GOP Women Host Personal Protection Expert

GOP Women Host Personal Protection Expert
by Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe 
November 16, 2011 

GREENVILLE – Darke County Republican Women held their regular monthly meeting recently during which they heard a report from State Representative Jim Buchy (R-77) regarding the recent election and current legislative actions. 

Lyn Bliss, newly elected Ohio Federation of Republican Women’s  (OFRW) First Vice-president, reported about the OFRW Fall Conference and the organizations’ plans for the upcoming term. 

Featured speaker for the evening was self defense and concealed carry instructor Bruce Mikesell. Mikesell talked about establishing a personal protection plan stating that it is something that will hopefully keep individuals from needing self-defense skills – as self-defense is what is used when a personal protection plan fails. “You need to have plan B, because plan A often won’t work.” explained  Mikesell. 

Mikesell stressed that the brain is the greatest tool in a personal protection plan, as it allows every person to assess their surroundings and be aware of threats. Leaning to recognize and avoid threats in a person’s surroundings is the key to safety. 

Keeping home and vehicles locked at all times is a must for safety – even when the vehicle is parked in a garage. Never leave windows and/or doors open – even a crack.  If you have a deadbolt, it should be one operated with a key on both sides of the door; particularly if you have glass in or near the door. 

Mikesell also touched on additional ways to help protect your home from burglary – stating that a noisy dog is the greatest protection. If you travel, don’t stop the mail, have someone pick it up for you. Make sure your drive is shoveled in winter and someone walks around your house to make tracks in the snow. 

When in public, always have a hand free and be ready to make noise if threatened. Not only should you look in your vehicle before entering it, but you should also look under it. A recent technique of attack is for shoppers to be pulled off their feet by someone under the car. 

“Don’t be so vain that you won’t carry what you need to protect yourself.” stated Mikesell. 

Mikesell demonstrated some items that can be used for defense, but cautioned that whatever is used should be checked for legality, and that most self protection items are most effective if training is received. Laws regarding knives vary by municipality. Canes can be a great source of protection – wooden ones are best. 

For women, always keep your purse on your person, strap over your head, purse in front and opening toward your body. 

“Skills, knowledge and attitude are what keep a person safe.” concluded Mikesell. 

The Darke County Republican Women’s Club meets on the second Monday of every month (except January and August). Meetings are open to the public and include an optional dinner. The December 12 meeting will be a Christmas Party. Club members are reminded to bring non-perishable foods to donate to the food bank, and a monetary donation for the Caring for America (USO) project. For more information regarding the club, reservations or membership, please contact President Sally Hole Zeiter at (937) 423-2391 or email her at

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