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Gas Buydown, Serving the Community

First Baptist Church…

With gas prices sitting at $3.74.9 (plus or minus) and no guarantee that it won’t shoot up 50 cents in the next 24 to 48 hours, who wouldn’t take advantage of a tank fill-up for $3.24.9 at the Circle?

About two dozen cars, forming lines from three different directions.

The First Baptist Church held a “Gas Buydown” Saturday until about 1 p.m. at the Circle Convenience Store where they “picked up” 50 cents a gallon on the $3.74 price tag at the pump. Cars were backed up on East Main, using two different entrances to approach the pump from different directions, while another line of cars waited patiently coming in the back way from Romers Catering.

At least a dozen First Baptist Church members were holding “Gas Buydown” and “We Love Darke County” signs, as well as directing traffic to keep the wait orderly.

Members said they were doing it “for our community” and noted that there was no dollar cutoff, but they were only holding the event until 1 p.m.

Considering the physical limitations of the amount of time it takes to fill a tank, and the fact that it was about 12:30 and the line was still long… you get the idea.

A huge thank you goes to members of the First Baptist Church for their service to the community.


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