Darke County Fair
Beautiful Creatures
By Lyn Bliss
Senior Scribe
Goats. GOATS! GOATS!!! Goats in every size, shape and color. Some with
ears, some without ears. Some with neck wattles, some without.
While taking pictures of some of the inhabitants of the goat barn, I
made the mistake of also having a plastic shopping bag of fair
purchases hanging on my arm. Felt a tug, then a bigger tug…
looked down to see a goat happily munching away on the corner of the
Bag taken to husband. Continue on with photo session. Leaning over side
of pen to get a good angle… slurp, slurp, slurp… expressions of
curiosity targeting the back of my upper arm.
Lots of bleating and baaaahing. Goats in funny positions and trying to
nibble on anything in sight are likely to be observed. A feed trough
looked like a challenge for an entry to the Guinness Book of Records as
every goat in the pen tried to get inside at the same time.
They are cute, entertaining, curious and definitely beautiful creatures
-- in body and personality!