ACE Reward,
entertaining and enlightening for all
Greenville City Schools...
On Friday, February 3, 2012; over 300 Junior High Students participated
in their quarterly reward for achieving and maintaining excellent
behavior during the quarter and year. ACE status can be improved
through good behavior and improvement of grades during the
quarter. GJH students were treated with the newly released movie
“Soul Surfer.” The movie was used to discuss with students about
maintaining positive behaviors and their individual ability to achieve
any goal that they put their mind too. Each individual has the
potential to achieve their dreams with just a little effort and
determination. The general theme; “Successes in life are only
hindered by the barriers that they place before
themselves.” Students who were not able to achieve the
reward worked with teaching staff on preparations for the OAA in Math
and Science. Teachers from these departments graciously
volunteered their time away from the reward ceremony to assist these
students in developing skills in these areas. Fun was had by all
and a positive lesson was given through their successes.