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Left to right Dave Cline, Christine Yount, Executive Director of Cancer Association, Jim Wroda 

Darke County Cancer Association...
Auto Show makes donation to Cancer Association 

The 2nd Annual Auto Show was held Friday, June 22,  2012 at the Greenville Auction Center at 5239 St. Rt. 49 S, Greenville, Ohio.  Trophies were awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and “Best of Show”.  Every car received a special plaque for entry and 100% of the proceeds were donated to Cancer Association of Darke County.  The association is most appreciative of all donations that help the cancer patients locally. 

The Cancer Association of Darke County exists to provide support for people in Darke County that have been diagnosed with cancer. The association reimburses their patients for expenses including: mileage, medication, medical supplies, and nutritional supplementation. They also offer a monthly support group, a volunteer driver program, free wigs and head coverings for cancer patients, educational materials for the prevention and early detection of all cancers, information booths at various Darke County events, and speakers for groups interested in learning more about the organization. 

They also make one yearly donation to an accredited research organization that works with Darke County residents. They are an independent non-profit organization that exists because of donations from people just like you! They are not affiliated with the American Cancer Society and do not receive donations or financial assistance from them.  The Association partners with United Way.   There is a current need for volunteer drivers to drive patients to appointments.  For more information about this or other questions, please call the office at 937-548-9960.

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