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Heartland of Greenville
Gift suggestions for the older adults on your list

Greenville, Ohio ⎯ What do you get for the person who has everything?  As the holidays approach, so does gift giving anxiety.  Heartland of Greenville wants to take some stress out of your holiday gift giving worries by providing some suggestions for the older adults on your list.  We are offering a free brochure, Shedding Light on Gift Ideas for Older Adults, simply by calling or dropping by the center nearest you.

At Heartland, we have noticed that the most appreciated gifts are those which consider personal preferences and limitations.  According to Rosemary Nelson, Activities Director, needs change as we age.  “An avid reader may not be able to read the small print in books and magazines.  Large print and audio books help them to enjoy their hobby once again.”  

Gift ideas range from tools for arthritis sufferers to nostalgic items that spark reminiscing of years past.  Meaningful gifts do not need to be expensive. “One of the simplest gifts of all is your time,” says Nelson. “Plan to attend a movie or play, go out to dinner at a favorite restaurant, or take time to make a scrapbook together.”

Another option to consider is a donation made in the name of an older adult.  Heartland of Greenville is participating in the national U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots campaign this year.  This program provides toys for families in need each year at Christmas.  Donations of unwrapped toys can be placed in the drop-box located at Heartland of Greenville.  

For your free brochure of gift giving suggestions or to drop off your donation for Toys for Tots, please call Heartland of Greenville at 937-548-3141 or visit 243 Marion Drive, Greenville, Ohio.

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