Greenville High School
Supply Chain
Management Students Tour Treaty Supply
Treaty Supply general manager, Lisa Hesson, hosted the Greenville CTC
Supply Chain Management program on Friday, October 5th. As a part of
SCM's educational goals, the group toured the facility while gaining a
more thorough understanding of the supply chain process.
While on tour the students experienced the overall business process for
this local company. They were able to speak with the warehouse manager,
general manager, purchasing director, sales staff and customer service
representatives. Each individual explained their own job duties and the
importance of working efficiently and effectively to the bottom line
for both the company and the individual employee. The students had
plenty of questions and enjoyed the opportunity to learn the "picking"
process, the shipping and general cycle of business for this company.
If your company would be willing to host the Supply Chain Management
program from Greenville's Career Tech Center please feel free to
contact Dara Buchy at the school or by email: dbuchy@greenville.k12.oh.us