FFA Chapter Members Receive Chapter FFA Degree.
Chapter FFA Degree is given to an FFA chapter’s top members. To
receive a Chapter FFA Degree, members must meet the following
requirements: Received the Greenhand FFA Degree, Satisfactorily
completed 180 hours (or the equivalent) of systematic school
instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade
level, Have an approved SAE in operation, Enrolled in an agriculture
course, Participated in the planning and implementation of at least
three official FFA chapter activities, Earned and productively
invested at least $150, or have worked at least 45 hours outside of
scheduled class time, or a combination of the two, through their SAE,
Have developed plans for continued growth and improvement of their
SAE, Effectively lead a group discussion for 15 minutes, Demonstrated
five parliamentary law procedures, Show progress toward achievement
in FFA award programs, Have a satisfactory academic record, Submitted
a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree, Complete a minimum
of 10 hours of community service activities.
twenty-two members received the Degree at a recent meeting at
Greenville High School on December 5, 2013. Each recipient received
a Silver FFA emblem pin and a certificate from the local chapter. Those
receiving the Chapter degree this year were Jondalar Apple,
Daniel Cline, Kamryn Coppock, Kelsey Crandall, Noah Elleman, Bryan
Flory, Bradley Garber, Brady Garber, Nicole Garland, Hunter George,
Sara Gibboney, Dylan Kolb, Olivia McDade, Aaron Miniard, Spencer
Monnin, Victoria Nader, Jordan Printz, Ryan Ramsey, Patrick
Schmitmeyer, Hannah Smith, Jena Snyder, and Judge Welbaum.
FFA operates on local, state and national levels. Student members
belong to chapters organized at the local school level. Agricultural
education instructors serve as chapter advisors. FFA is a national
youth organization of 579,678 student members preparing for
leadership careers in the science, business and technology of
agriculture with 7,570 local chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico
and the Virgin Islands. FFA strives to make a positive difference in
the lives of students by developing their potential for premier
leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural