Extension, Darke County
Farmers May Want to Avoid
Applying Nitrogen to
Wheat in February
By Sam Custer
are tempted to apply nitrogen (N) in
February because it is easy to drive across the field and there is no
competition with other farm activities. However, research has shown
that this
may be a costly operation in lost nutrients and a potential
concern (nutrients may leave the field and move into streams and other
Lentz and Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension,
report a three year OSU study showed that when N is lost from a
application (February), yields will be significantly reduced to where
they are
only slightly better than areas that receive no N. The outcome was the
regardless of the N source. In this same study, when nitrogen loss
occurred on
the pre-greenup applications, urea ammonium nitrate (28% solution) did
“burn” into the soil, ammonium sulfate did not “stabilize” into the
soil, and
urea did not stay put until a rain. All three of the sources moved off
plots with water as the soil thawed out, much like losses from manure
on frozen
ground. Even though polymer-coated products were not tested in this
study, it
would be expected that these types of N products would also be lost in
similar fashion under the same conditions.
with phosphorus, the 4R nutrient management
philosophy also applies for N. The right time to topdress spring N on
wheat is
between greenup and early stem elongation (Feekes Growth Stage 6).
Rapid uptake
of N by wheat generally does not begin until the latter part of April
stem elongation). Depending upon the source, the risk of N loss
increases for
every week that applications are made prior to early stem elongation.
fields may be unfit for application at early stem elongation, a
compromise is to topdress N any time fields are suitable for
application after
initial greenup to early stem elongation. Research has shown that
yield losses generally do not occur from delayed topdress until about
late stem
elongation to boot stage (Feekes Growth Stage 8 to 9). Boot
stage refers
to when the wheat head is fully developed and can be easily seen in the
section of the leaf sheath below the flag leaf.
producer may get away with applying N in
February on wheat. However university data has not shown a yield
advantage for
February applications, but results have shown a major N loss and yield
reduction from pre-greenup applications. Why take the risk, just wait
until greenup;
the wheat does not need most of the N until April and May
more information, visit the Darke County OSU
Extension web site at www.darke.osu.edu,
the OSU Extension Darke County Facebook page or contact Sam
Custer, at 937.548.5215.