the bistro off broadway
The Great Darke County Fair represented several of the top stories in County News Online in 2012.
County News Online
CNO racks up second million page views

The banner at the top of this page says it all: Thank you Darke County!!!

In the interest of accuracy, we also need to say thank you to readers from the Miami Valley to Columbus. While the majority of our readership is in Darke County, a significant number of readers follow us from the Miami Valley, schools and colleges, and government agencies.

Thank you all!

Sometime Sunday afternoon, readership passed the two million mark. The day finished with 2,003,089 page views. This milestone was passed just short of CNO’s second anniversary on January 15. CNO has been averaging about 35 to 40,000 unique visitors a month.

On Monday, Editor Bob Robinson posted his commentary about the “why’s” of CNO’s success. While there are typically one or two news articles, plus opinions and blogs about the state of the nation and society today, the core of County News Online content is about community events and accomplishments.

As a volunteer information source, very few of the articles are generated as “assignments.” While CNO publishes many columns from local residents about things of importance in their lives or in the community, most are submissions from the different agencies and volunteer organizations that serve us. The content is free and easy to find on a daily basis.

County News Online is about the great things about Darke County, Ohio. Its volunteers, its community service organizations and its people… especially its youth.

This has been CNO’s focus and it has been embraced by local readership. Thank you again! And thank you to the sponsors who make CNO possible, plus provide the thousands of dollars in student scholarships that are offered each year.

Check out our Top 100 stories for 2012 here.

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If you are a local sports fan, check out our “Favorite Photos” section by clicking here.

Kayla Linkous sinking her 2,000 point that, along with 1,000 rebounds moved her into an elite circle of
three high school athletes was another of the top stories in County News Online in 2012.


senior scribes
senior scribes
County News Online

is a Fundraiser for the Senior Scribes Scholarship Committee. All net profits go into a fund for Darke County Senior Scholarships
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