Waller, Tara Guillozet, Mike Snyder
presents scholarships to GHS seniors
GREENVILLE - Greenville High School seniors Erica Waller and Tara
Guillozet received Kiwanis of Greenville’s annual scholarships on GHS
Senior Awards night. The awards were presented by Kiwanis Past
President Mike Snyder. Waller had over a 5.0 GPA. Guillozet had over a
4.0 GPA.
Kiwanis honors two GHS senior Students of the Month throughout the
school year. They are chosen by the principal of the high school. Any
GHS senior can apply for the club’s annual scholarship awards.
Kiwanis is a local community service organization that meets for lunch
every Wednesday at Chestnut Community Center at the Brethren Retirement
Community. Interesting speakers on a variety of topics, from other
community service organizations to local government officials, are
presented to the group each week. All interested local residents are
encouraged to stop by and join the fun.