Blue Bag Media
Raising goats a
family affair
GREENVILLE – “We like the Darke County Fair; we like the atmosphere,”
said Kathy Lake from Camden, a small community in southern Preble
County. The Lakes show goats… one of the kinds with ‘ears.’
Kathy said the LaMancha breed is the one with no ears. “Actually, they
do have ears,” she said. “They are just very small, so it’s hard to see
them.” The Lakes show Toggenburgs and Oberhaslis, all part of an Alpine
class. The ears stand up on their heads. There is also a breed where
the ears flop down. They pointed to examples of those on the other side
of the barn.
Kaitlyn, 16, Aaron, 14, Ashley, 9 and Nathan, 6, were all preparing to
show goats they’d been working with the past year. The two oldest
started showing when they were eight. They did well this year at the
Preble County Fair, Kaitlyn with Junior and Senior Dairy ribbons, plus
overall Best of Show, and Aaron with a third and three seconds. The two
younger Lakes – Ashley and Nathan – will also be showing, with the
youngest showing this year for the first time.
All are dairy goats, so they will be returning home with their Lake
family. Most of the goats at this fair hadn’t yet been shown...
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