Blue Bag Media
2013 Queen
Jenna King says ‘breathe and enjoy it!’
GREENVILLE – “Yeah, we’re pretty awesome!” 2013 Junior Fair King Logan
Moody said, laughing. Logan and 2013 Junior Fair Queen Jenna King
laughed a lot as they talked about their experiences over the past
year, including the friendships they’d built.
So what was your biggest challenge? Logan… “Putting up with her!”
Jenna… “Putting up with him.” They laughed again, then Logan clarified.
“She was the queen. I had to take care of her… meet her needs.” Jenna
nodded in agreement, adding “My biggest challenge was keeping it all
together. Even when I was stressed out I had to keep it all together.”
She gave credit to Logan for helping make that possible. “Logan is one
of my best friends now,” she said. “He really knew how to take care of
me when I was stressed… he was an awesome king.”
“Yeah, that was the toughest part,” Logan added, grinning. “Helping her
keep it all together.”
One of Jenna’s first surprises was finding out she was in charge. “I’d
heard a lot about my age (she was 16 when she was crowned)… told
multiple times how tough it would be. Responsibility. Maturity… in
charge of seven others.” She said she was given a queen’s book...
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