New services on CNO
County News Online is pleased to offer a list of new information
services for CNO readers. CNO has readers around Ohio, the United
States… even in some foreign countries. They may not know what Darke
County has to offer. It’s fair to be said even some of the county’s
natives don’t really know.
Consequently, CNO has added several new links under its Community menu.
They include school districts, Edison Community College, tourist
attractions, High Five for Wave Pride and the CTC blog. They are meant
to grow and be updated; consequently we are extending an invitation to
those involved to send information they would like to see under their
specific headings. Just click on the “Submit News” button at the top of
the page and send the information.
Check out the new subheadings by going to the “Community” tab on CNO’s
content bar at the top of the page.