Bluebag Media
Annual DCTA Christmas
Banquet touts success of local townships
GREENVILLE – More than 200 Darke County township trustees and their
families, guests, and local and state officials celebrated the season
Dec. 9 at the Darke County Township Association (DCTA) Annual Christmas
Banquet at Romers Catering.
DCTA President Ed Huff, Jr., conducted the meeting, recognizing public
officials and representatives from townships associations across the
state, as well as Ohio Township Association (OTA) officers. OTA
President Tom Willsey told the group the Ohio Legislature had recently
passed a $10 million bill to help townships with some of their
financial needs. “This is one-time only,” he said. “It will be broken
out in two ways… $5 million will be spread equally among the 1,311
townships and $5 million will be provided based upon the mileage in
each township.” He noted that works out to a little over $100 a mile.
Willsey also told the group about the MORE grants available through
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