Applications of Nitrogen to Corn
Peter Thomison, Robert Mullen
rains this year may force many growers to sidedress their nitrogen
(N) in corn this year much later than what is considered normal.
Other growers may be supplementing their earlier N applications to
replace N lost from denitrification and leaching. The following are
some suggestions from extension soil fertility specialists at Ohio
State and Purdue University from past years that address various
questions concerning N applications to corn after planting.
LATE CAN N BE APPLIED? Corn utilizes large quantities of N during the
grand growth stage. From the 8 leaf stage through tasseling N uptake
is 4 to 8 pounds per day. For most corn hybrids N uptake is complete
shortly after pollination. So, most of the N should be applied prior
to the 10 leaf stage, with any supplemental applications complete by
or shortly after tasseling. Under conditions of severe N deficiency,
some response would be expected to low rates of N (30 to 60 pounds)
as late as three weeks after pollination.
IS THE BEST N SOURCE TO USE? Ammonia or N solutions knifed in are
preferred in most situations, especially high residue fields.
Granular urea can also be applied over the top in clean tilled
situations, but those applications can be risky if rainfall does not
come shortly after application. Urea stabilizers (Agrotain) should
be considered in high residue situations. Granular urea broadcast in
standing corn will cause some foliar burn when granules fall into the
whorl. While it may appear unsightly, little yield decrease normally
occurs if the fertilizer is applied prior to the 10-leaf stage.
MUCH N SHOULD BE APPLIED? If the corn has gotten too tall to
sidedress by this point (mid to late June), it has probably not been
severely stressed and yield potential is still good. An example would
be rotation corn after beans which had some starter or 28% applied
with herbicides with good green color. Nitrogen rates should approach
what was initially planned at the beginning of the season. Research
at Ohio State shows that decreased rates can do well, but do not
decrease rates by more than 10-15%.
BROADCAST 28-0-0 SOLUTIONS "OVER THE TOP"? Using broadcast
applications of 28% N solution to sidedress N will cause some burn to
foliar tissue of corn plants.
severity of injury is determined by the plant's stage of growth, the
amount of N used and form of N. If the plant growing point is at or
below the soil surface (or when plant has six collared leaves or
less), the extent of foliar injury caused by burn will usually be
negligible if the N rate is kept below 50 lb/acre. Even with higher N
rates at later vegetative growth stages the injury from leaf burn is
normally not so severe that it outweighs the potential benefits
received from the N addition. The degree of plant burning is less
with urea granules than with other N products.
28% solution with drop nozzles as a narrow band on the soil surface
is an alternative approach that can help reduce foliar burning.
Dribbling 28% is also a more efficient use of N than broadcast
surface application because it helps reduce N volatilization. Urea
stabilizers may be considered for this application, but tillage is a
major deciding factor on whether or not they are necessary. High
residue corn fields may benefit from urea stabilizers, but low
residue fields are less likely to benefit. At this point of the
growing season, and the need for plenty of nitrogen by the crop, we
do not recommend nitrification inhibitors. We also rarely see
positive responses to nitrification inhibitors when N is sidedressed.
APPLY N TO EVERY OTHER ROW? Research in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa
has all shown that farmers can knife ammonia or N solutions in every
other row middle (60 vs. 30 inch spacing) with no reduction in yield.
The only caution is that extra attention must be paid, especially in
wet conditions, that no knives plug with soil. A plugged knife in 60
inch spacing gives 4 rows with no N and will seriously reduce yields.
article on this topic published by Purdue University in 2011 can be
found here:
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