Governor Kasich
visits the Maid-Rite
Following the announcement at Whirlpool about its $40 million
investment and 400 jobs in Greenville in the next few years, Ohio Gov.
John Kasich joined his fellow public servants for a visit to the famous
Maid-Rite sandwich shoppe.
Established in Greenville, Ohio in 1934, The Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe
is more than just a purveyor of delicious sandwiches and shakes. It's a
Darke County institution. One of the more notorious of the traditions
surrounding the local Maid-Rite is chewing gum on the outside wall.
After enjoying the governor and his group enjoyed their favorite
Maid-Rite sandwiches he placed his bubble gum offering outside.
Joining Kasich (on the right) were (pictured left to right above)
Representative Jim Beagle, Senator Bill Beagle, Representative Richard
Adams and Senator Keith Faber.