Hosted by Fort GreeneVille DAR and the Greenville High School NJROTC
Daughters of American Revolution Fort Greenville Chapter in conjuction
with Greenville High School NJROTC hosted a drill demonstation at
Greenville High School Gymnasium. The Greenville High School
NJROTC gave drill demonstrations to the DAR members, family and
friends. The DAR chapter donated $50.00 to the ROTC program. The
chapter also awarded Candice Malott with the JROTC Bronze Medal.
Following the demonstration and awards, refreshments were provided.
Pictured in the first photo: Candice Malott JROTC Bronze Medal 2014:
ROTC Captain Denman, Candice Malott, and Regent Chris Nehring. In the
second photo: Donation 2014 Macia Reed: Captain Denman, Macia Reed, and
Regent Chris Nehring. In the third photo the GHS NJROTC Drill Team.