Volunteer Site
Makes a Difference in Versailles
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) has a new volunteer
site that can help you make a difference in the lives of people.
The Trinity Lutheran Church in Versailles has a need for volunteers in
their mat program that helps create sleeping mats for the homeless, the
community meal program that helps to feed 200 to 300 hungry individuals
each week and the backpack food program that furnishes food for kids to
keep them healthy.
Volunteering helps our communities because many of the actions directly
impact our neighbors, helps us to connect with others, and can even
transform our own lives. All these programs are desperately
needed and the program’s success depends on people like you that get
If you live in Darke County and want to volunteer, this program could
be just right for you or we can match you up with many other kinds of
opportunities also. It’s easy to get started, just call Ahbygale
Mangen, the RSVP Coordinator for Darke County at (937) 548-8002 ext
213, rsvp-dk@councilonruralservices.org or stop by Council on Rural
Services, 116 East Third Street, Greenville.
For more information about the programs of Council on Rural Services …
programs for innovative learning, check the Web site at www.councilonruralservices.org.