Museum is looking for
The Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum is looking for local Bradford and
surrounding area residents with memories of the railway YMCA. The
museum is in the planning phase of an oral history project.
The YMCA served the railroaders in a time before hotels and restaurants
were widely available.
Railroads partnered with the YMCA to provide a safe clean and home like
atmosphere for the railroaders working away from their home.
People with photos, stories and information on the Bradford, Ohio
Railway YMCA are encouraged to contact the museum during its hours at
200 N Miami Avenue The museum will be open until the end of December.
The museum's phone number is 937-552-2196. The museum was awarded an
outstanding achievement from the Ohio Local History Alliance for its
Oral History Keeper's of the Crossroads. A video documentary of the BF
Tower Operators. The goal of the museum is to create a series of video
documentaries to interpret and preserve the railroad heritage at
Bradford, Ohio.
The museum will be closing for the 2014 season December 28, until that
time visitors are welcome to come and view the Christmas season
decorations and Trains. A mystery event is scheduled for December 6 and
Santa will visit December 13. The Christmas Trees will be awarded that
day to the highest bidder. Veterans are being admitted to the museum
free of charge on December 20th to thank them for their service.
The museum will change the museum exhibits for 2015 around the Lincoln
Funeral train and Civil War events to commemorate the 150th anniversary
of the Lincoln Assassination.
The museum is continuing to raise the matching funds for its capital
appropriation to complete interpretative and interactive exhibits. More
information can be found on the website at
those wanting to contribute to this preservation effort will find the
information on the capital campaign at the museum at 200 N Miami Avenue
and on the museum's website and facebook page.