EUM Christian
Preschool visits firehouse
During Fire Safety week, October 6 through 10, EUM Christian Preschool
3-day students visited the Greenville Fire Department to learn about
Fire Safety. While at the fire house, students learned about stop, drop
and roll, saw a firefighter in his uniform, toured the fire house, and
sat in a fire truck. Our 2-day students were able to see the fire
fighters as they came to the preschool to visit. These students learned
about fire safety, practiced stop, drop and roll, saw a fire fighter in
their uniform, and sat in a fire truck.
The students enjoyed the visit and learned much about fire safety.
Thank you Greenville Fire Department for helping educate our students!
Jeff Harper is Lead Pastor at EUM Church. The traditional worship
service is Sunday 9:45 am at the Downtown Campus at 111 Devor Street
and the contemporary worship services are Saturday at 6:30 pm and
Sunday at 9:00, 10:30, and 11:59 am at the Worship Center located at
1451 Sater Street (corner of Sater and Sebring-Warner Road) in
Greenville, OH. Kidmunity Children’s Ministry is available for
kids age birth through grade six at the 6:30 pm, 9:00, 10:30 and 11:59
am services. The Downtown Campus, 111 Devor Street, houses the offices
and preschool. For more information, go to or
call 548-3211.