Bluebag Media
Prairie Days
entertains, educates over 5,000
GREENVILLE – “Elizabeth Borden took an ax…” Lizzie Gilbert, 10, offered
a sour grin as she acknowledged her familiarity by adding… “and killed
her mother with 40 wacks… Yeah,” she said, “I know all about Lizzie
Borden.” She clicked her clicker. Lizzie is from Van Wert and
volunteered as the official counter… click. Click.
As of about 11 a.m. she had tallied 401 visitors. She stopped
mid-sentence as another Greenville Transit bus pulled up and passengers
began unloading. Click click click… Now up to 419. The 2014 Darke
County Parks Prairie Days had only been open for an hour.
Lizzie lost interest in further conversation and concentrated on her
primary responsibility… clicking the clicker as bus after bus pulled
into the Shawnee Prairie parking lot and unloaded their visitors.
As they had in the past, Prairie Days planners and volunteers offered a
large variety of activities to keep visitors busy and interested.
Apples and cider were being boiled to make apple butter… with visitors
chief among those stirring the pot. “We started about 9 this morning,”
said Dave Meyer. “It (the apple butter) will be ready about 4.” He
added they use Grimes Golden and Ida Reds from Downing Farms, noting
they planned to use 10 bushels of apples and 34 gallons of cider over
the weekend. “That will give us about 20 pints of apple butter...
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