Women’s retreat
was a success
Saturday, a women's retreat day was held in the Fr. Jaekle Room of the
Versailles Knights of Columbus Hall. The retreat was presented by
Jill Swallow, a former graduate and resident of Versailles, who is now
a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi and resides in Clarkston,
The program entitled "Do Whatever He Tells You", explored methods of
prayer, meditation, interpretation, and contemplation. Versailles
business owner and resident Christina (McEldowney) Brokschmidt, LMT of
Back to Better, spoke of her personal tragedy as it related to her
growth in faith.
The retreat was extremely successful with a larger number than expected
of women in attendance. Each woman received a handmade rosary
donated by Connie Schmitmeyer, as well as a pen donated by Phelan
Insurance Agency. Door prizes where awarded to Sandy Hoying, Barb
Hart, Barb Marshal, Elsie Shappie, Linda Schmitmeyer and Michelle
Schneable, which included a candle donated by Nancy O's, garden mums,
and 1/2 dozen red roses, donated by House of Flowers.
The retreat was conceived by Jean Grieshop, who formed the committee
that consisted of Judie Stauffer, Connie Schmitmeyer, Linda Stammen,
Jenny Condon, Susan Schmitmeyer and Kathy Magoto. Further
assistance was received by Terri Bey, Pam Beisner, Nancy Overholser,
Mike Meyer, Father Jim Simons, and Lindsey Otte.