St. Marys
School September Newsletter
From the vantage point of my advanced years, I have observed that
nature has a way of balancing things out. Which was why, as most people
were enjoying the unusually cool summer, I like Cassandra, whom none of
the Greeks believed when she warned them about the Trojan horse, was
predicting doom and gloom. I knew we would eventually pay for all that
comfortable temperature. Sure enough, as soon as school started, the
temperature and humidity began to soar!
Speaking of balance though, I find myself this year with the most
perfectly balanced combined class I have ever had the pleasure of
teaching. I have eleven first graders and eleven second graders. Each
class consists of five girls and six boys. As someone who appreciates
symmetry, I couldn’t be happier!
School began on Tuesday, August 26. The prior evening, there was a
spaghetti dinner followed by an open house. Parents and students had
the opportunity of visiting the classrooms and meeting the teachers.
This has been a tradition at St. Mary’s for quite a few years. We find
that it really helps reduce “First Day Jitters”, especially for the
younger students. After all, once you know where your desk and locker
are located, everything else is a piece of cake. The only drawback to
this event, at least as far as the staff is concerned, is the spaghetti
on the menu. It is a little hard to make a good first impression with
garlic on your breath and red stains on your shirt!
The school year has gotten off to a great start. The students have been
working hard and everyone seems to have gotten back into the routine of
school. Each morning my students have a folder of work that is to be
done throughout the morning as I teach the separate classes. I always
find it amazing, how quickly the first graders advance from simple
coloring pages the first week of school to letter and number puzzles.
They are already reading and spelling words in phonics class.
The preschool classes started the following week. The Caterpillar class
began on September 2 and the Butterflies on the next day. Fall pictures
were taken on September 8. On Patriots’ Day, September 11, the staff
and students assembled around the flag pole for a prayer service
commemorating those who died on September 11, 2001 during the
terrorists’ attacks. It is a little hard to believe that it has been
thirteen years since the attacks and our eighth graders were just
babies at the time.
Next Friday, September 19, St. Mary’s School once again will be invaded
by a scurvy band of pirates, who look vaguely familiar, as my class
celebrates “Talk Like a Pirate “Day. The motley crew will be using
their awesome math skills to solve the clues leading to a treasure box.
The school year seems to fly by, perhaps because there are so many
exciting things happening. So here is a preview of coming attractions.
In October the primary children will go to Brumbaugh’s Fruit Farm. This
annual field trip is probably the most anticipated trip of the year for
the students. The first graders will visit the FFA Farm and Safety Day.
In November, the students will prepare the annual Thanksgiving
luncheon. Keeping with tradition, the first graders will make their one
of a kind stuffing and the second graders will mix up a wonderful fruit
salad. This year’s Christmas program is “Christmas Around the World”.
Classes will present Christmas customs, food and music from other
countries. Throughout the year, there will be field trips to Victoria
Theater and Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center. This year the second
graders will be receiving First Reconciliation and First Holy
Communion, and the seventh and eighth graders will be receiving the
sacrament of Confirmation. The Spring Spectacular will be in April.
Each year Mrs. Foster kindly allows her room to be transformed into a
giant diorama by the students and staff. Last year it became a
prehistoric jungle with dinosaurs, a wooly mammoth and a saber tooth
tiger. This year’s theme is still top secret, but judging from the
past, I am sure it will be amazing.
Even though I was a Cassandra about the weather, I predict that this is
going to be a great year. I hope that you are looking forward to
hearing about our school as much as I look forward to being able to
share our year with you.