senior scribes

Bluebag Media
Gathering visitors say event is ‘awesome’!

GREENVILLE – “It’s awesome,” said Stephanie Klingshirn of Rossburg on July 25. “The number of vendors they have… it’s awesome,” she repeated. “I’ve already spent too much money.”

Klingshirn is not alone in her view of this year’s Gathering at Garst. Carri Prinkey of Union City dittoed the ‘awesome,’ adding “there’s nothing else like it around.” Husband Ryan agreed it’s great, however he noted most of his money is being spent on food.

Greenville resident Angie Deeter loved the community aspect. “I just love it so much,” she said. “Just getting everybody from the community together is great.”

According to Jenny Clark, coordinator for the event, putting the Gathering together is a massive job, requiring the efforts of 30 committee members and over 100 volunteers. She’s delighted with the success of those efforts. “We’ve got 85 vendors here,” she said. “There are another 30 vendors on the encampment side.” An estimated 10,000 people attended the Gathering in 2014. She anticipated it would be increased this year...

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senior scribes

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