the bistro off broadway

Sample photos from the Favorite Photos 2012-2013 Slide Show

Community Events Photo Gallery
A new Slide Show offering from County News Online

County News Online is offering a new way to look at Favorite Photos of individuals and events in Darke County… a slide show you can watch from beginning to end, pause on a photo you like, back up to see previous photos or fast forward to get past some photos to get to others.

The program was set up by our webmaster, Kurt, at Our initial offering is Favorite Photos from 2012-2013. Approximate running time is about eight minutes. This can be altered, depending on pauses, back-ups and fast forwards.

Favorite photos from 2014 is currently being compiled. Upon completion, CNO’s usual display for large numbers – five photos per page with links to the next page – will be published. That photo series will be the next Slide Show to be offered. As with the favorites from 2013, the stories from 2014 can typically be found at

CNO is a funding arm of the Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund. Of the nearly $45,000 in college scholarships SSSF has presented to Darke County young people, a large portion – approximately $28,000 – has come from CNO donors and sponsors. To see a complete list go to

While most of the work required to publish an online community service six days a week is donated, CNO does incur expenses, and a portion of its support is used for this purpose. Like any other not-for-profit, funding to meet our goal of college support for young people is a constant struggle…

Check out our Slide Show at, then contact CNO at to find out how you can help continue our service.


senior scribes
senior scribes
County News Online

is a Fundraiser for the Senior Scribes Scholarship Committee. All net profits go into a fund for Darke County Senior Scholarships
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