Bluebag Media
Fourman discusses
recycling with Kiwanians
GREENVILLE – So you empty the contents of your plastic washing machine
soap container and throw it away… “How long do you think it will take
that container to decompose?” Answers ranged from 100 to 500 years… “A
thousand years,” said Krista Fourman, Director of Darke County Solid
Waste District.
She gave a number of examples to members and guests at the Kiwanis of
Greenville weekly meeting June 24. It takes 80 years for an aluminum
can to decompose; 500 years for a plastic water bottle; 25 years for
soup cans; five years for the small single serving orange drink
“It takes 10 to 20 years for those Walmart plastic bags to decompose,”
she said. “And that’s if they are exposed to the air, not buried...
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