Bluebag Media
Puthoff named Poultry
Days’ Miss Chick 2015
VERSAILLES – “I’ve always wanted to do this,” said Miss Chick 2015,
Christa Puthoff. Her goal is to be a role model to young girls through
community service and volunteering with Poultry Days and other events.
Is it tough doing this? “You definitely have to step outside your
comfort zone,” she noted. “I guess you just don’t worry about anything…
just have fun.” It worked. On June 13, the Versailles resident was
crowned Miss Chick 2015 to represent the Versailles Poultry Days for
the next year. She is the daughter of Steve and Marlene Puthoff and was
sponsored by St. Denis Youth Ministry.
Chosen for her court were First Runner-Up Taylor Stover of Versailles
and Second Runner-Up Rachel Osterloh of Versailles. Stover is the
daughter of Eric and Julie Stover and was sponsored by Pohl
Transportation. Osterloh is the daughter of Luke and Sharon Osterloh
and was sponsored by the Versailles FFA...
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