Bluebag Media
Edison Darke Co.
director to focus on community needs
GREENVILLE – The Edison Community College Darke County Center has a new
director with a new challenge. The new director is Darke County native
and 2001 Mississinawa Valley graduate Chad Beanblossom. The new
challenge is helping the campus grow.
Effective this fall, PSEOP (Post Secondary Education Opportunity) will
be replaced with CCP (College Credit Plus), a program that will move
some traditional Edison classes into local high school classrooms.
Beyond that, however, the new director also wants the college to grow,
to focus more on meeting specific community needs.
Beanblossom said Edison’s goal is to increase enrollment; increase
traffic in the Wagner Avenue building. He plans to do it by increasing
the overall options available at the Center. This will allow him to
focus on Workforce Development in addition to continuing to serve
current student populations.
“I’m excited about pre-health sciences,” he said. For instance, they
are looking into offering the basics needed for students moving into
nursing and other medical programs...
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