the bistro off broadway

Bluebag Media
Parade Marshalls shocked, but appreciative

ARCANUM – Trudy Kirkpatrick was surprised, but deeply thankful and appreciative she and her husband, Claude, had been named Arcanum Old Fashioned Days Parade Marshalls. Claude was shocked. “It’s really an honor being in that position,” he said. He added there are a lot more people worthy of it than they were.

“I appreciate what Arcanum and the people in this community have done to help us keep this business… it’s an honor to give back to the community.” The Kirkpatricks are owners and operators of Picnic’s Pizza and Grille. They’ve had the business for the past 11 years.

The Kirkpatricks remained curious about being chosen for the honor; then they started talking about their activities… what Claude referred to as “giving back.”

They support Arcanum sports – baseball, softball, football, basketball and more – pretty much all of them, according to Claude...

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