American Red Cross
helps community stay safe
From disaster training to CPR classes to teaching children fire safety,
the Chapter has had a busy week in the community.
May 1, 2015 While the Red Cross has gotten a lot of attention for
the rescue and recovery efforts it’s leading in Nepal, it hasn’t lost
its primary focus locally—helping the people of the Northern Miami
Valley area stay healthy and safe. Consider, in the past weekend the
Red Cross has:
Taught Stop, Drop and Roll Fire Safety courses to elementary-aged
children during “Healthy Kids Day” events in Miami, Shelby and Darke
counties. The courses, which taught kids what to do during a fire, were
in partnership with the YMCAs in each of those counties.
Participated in an Emergency Management Agency disaster exercise in
Russia, participating in the Emergency Operations Center, canteening
and testing communications. These exercises, which help the Red
Cross and local EMA and their partners coordinate their efforts so
planning and execution of activities during a real disaster go
Taught First Aid/CPR courses in Troy, Ohio, in the last nine months,
the Northern Miami Valley Ohio Chapter of the American Red Cross has
taught health and safety courses to more than 3,600 people in the six
counties it covers (Darke, Shelby, Miami, Logan, Champaign and Clark).
“The Red Cross is involved in a lot of different areas—service to the
armed forces, helping people in disasters, teaching people to swim or
save lives, donating blood—but at the heart of all our serves is making
communities stronger, helping our neighbors, making the world a better
place,” says Lynne Gump, Executive director of the Northern Miami
Valley Ohio Chapter. “Only by the gifts of our donors with the talent
of our volunteers, are we able to make this possible.” To learn
more how you can volunteer go to or call your
local American Red Cross office.