Bluebag Media
It’s all the same,
just the ‘language’ is different
GREENVILLE – “I never had a formal education, but I know what I know.”
Bill Light is a musician, computer programmer, farmer, engineer,
licensed pest control, chemist, bacteriologist, author, illustrator
(although he says he just plays at that) and more. At the moment he was
a volunteer for Prairie Days at Darke County parks.
How does he do ‘all that stuff?’
“It’s all the same,” he said. “Just the language is different.” He
added he got 90 percent of what he learned from two individuals who
were mentally challenged… “You can learn from people with Down Syndrome
if you care enough to learn.”
Light never went to college but taught in college. He often found
himself talking to professors who were happy to tell him where they got
their degrees; then they would ask where he went to college. “I told
them Johns University,” adding he did a lot of his reading and studying
while in the bathroom. “In 40 years no one ever asked me where Johns
University was.”
An accomplished musician, Light played bass. “I could make 400 bucks in
a weekend,” he said. During the summer he would go to the Desert Inn in
Columbus. “I made more money than ever there...
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