VHCC provides
treatment programs for patients with Parkinson’s
Versailles Health Care Center offers LSVT BIG and LOUD treatment
programs to provide the best quality of life for those living with
Parkinson ’s disease. These treatment programs are unique
certified treatment protocols that are considered the “gold standard”
in treating disorders for people with Parkinson’s. Each LSVT BIG
and LOUD program is individualized for the patient’s specific
needs. The LSVT BIG program addresses safe walking, balance, and
trunk rotation. The LSVT LOUD program addresses soft, mumbled,
monotone, and hoarse vocal quality. The LSVT BIG and LOUD
programs are each four sessions per week for four weeks. BIG
sessions are approximately 60 minutes and LOUD sessions are 30-60
According to Gina Boerger, Physical Therapist at Versailles Health Care
Center, “We are the leaders in our area for our Parkinson’s treatment
programs and we were the first to start the programs locally four years
ago. We are unique in that our BIG and LOUD treatment programs
are one-on-one with a consistent certified therapist, who creates an
individualized plan specific to each patient’s individual needs.”
Upon completion of the programs, each patient is given a success DVD
that features his/her before and after performance. “Our therapy
programs are successful with all levels of ability. Our therapy
team makes a difference and works to provide the best quality of life
for their patients living with Parkinson’s,” said Kristy Earick,
Administrator at Versailles Health Care Center.
For more information about the Parkinson’s treatment programs at
Versailles Health Care Center, please contact The Rehab Clinic at
937-526-0130 or visit on the web at www.versailleshealthcare.com.