After School Program students achieve honors
Empowering Darke County Youth’s After School Program students at Edison
State Community College have received their first quarter report cards.
Several East students brought their special Achievements with them Nov.
18. Pictured, they are:
HONOR ROLL 4th Grade: Payton Herrmann; MERIT ROLL 4th Grade (L to R):
Ibrahim E.B. Fall, Olivia Flatter, Kristen Bromagen, Kara Rehmert
and Travis
Flatter; NO MISSED ASSIGNMENTS: Payton Herrmann and Kara Rehmert, 4th
grade and Owen
Nicely, 3rd grade.
A number of Woodland students also showed excellent progress, and Sixth
Grader Xander Brown (not shown) proudly showed off a long list of A’s
and B’s.
The After School Program at Edison State is a program established by
Empowering Darke County Youth to provide a safe place for students to
do their homework and expand their reading and math skills. Volunteers
are available for homework help and one-on-one tutoring as needed.
Volunteers are always needed. If any responsible adult, college or high
school student would like to help, call 937-548-5546 and ask for Bob
Robinson, or email empoweringdarkecountyyouth@gmail.com.