Subler and DAR member Caroline Petitjean.
Week Proclamations Presented to Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR
September 17 - 23 is Constitution Week. In 1955, the National Society
Daughters of the American Revolution petitioned Congress with a
resolution; this week of observance for the foundation of the American
form of government was signed into law by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower on August 2, 1956. George W. Bush officially declared the
inception of Constitution Week in 2002. The commitment of the NSDAR is
to encourage study and educate the public about the Constitution, which
was adopted by the American Congress of the Confederation on September
17, 1787.
Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR were presented Constitution Week
Proclamations by Versailles Mayor Jeff Subler and Darke County
Commissioners Michael Stegall, Diane Delaplane & Michael Rhoades.
County Commissioners Michael Stegall, Diane Delaplane
& Michael Rhoades, DAR
members Helen Wright, Judy Logan, Mary Jane
Dietrich & Brenda Arnett