the bistro off broadway


St. Mary’s School
White Easter; Tornado Tuesday
By Kathy Ayette

You need not be a weather geek glued to the weather channel to notice that April’s weather has been strange. We “enjoyed” a white Easter and what I like to call Tornado Tuesday. By the way, Tornado Tuesday will be mentioned again in this column.

The teachers attended one day of the NCEA convention. The opening Mass was wonderful.

The main celebrant was Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education for the Vatican. He brought a special blessing from Pope Francis. After Mass the remainder of the day was spent attending sessions and going through the expo. I had traveled to the convention with one of the retired teachers who had planned to stay for all three days of the convention. Because I needed to be back at school on Wednesday I caught a ride with our kindergarten teacher, Ashley, and another teacher who to protect her identity will be referred to as Dorothy, as in the Wizard of Oz. As we left Cincinnati, the sky began to get gray. Now Dorothy is just a tad bit leery of storms, especially storms with twirly clouds. As soon as the first cloud appeared on the horizon, she began to hint that perhaps we needed to be ready to pull off and began to invoke the Lord for protection. I, being Cleopatra, Queen of De-nial, saw no reason to panic about a little bit of gray so far away. As we continued to drive, the sky became darker, Dorothy became more insistent that if it got bad we would pull off. Ashley assured her, we would stop if necessary and I suggested taking a few deep breaths in between invoking Heaven’s protection. As the rain and wind began, we listened to the radio and heard all the dire warnings and the advice that in case we spotted a funnel cloud, we should abandon the car and lie face down in a ditch, which frankly I have never understood. If a tornado can pick up a house, why not a slightly obese teacher? Besides that Dorothy has a bad knee and I have my bad hip, so if the three of us were to lie down in the ditch, only one of us would be able to get up again. Then the tornado siren began to wail. At this point, we all agreed that finding shelter would be a good thing. Frankly I believe at this point Dorothy was ready to jump out of the car if we didn’t agree to seek shelter. We pulled off the nearest exit and found a hotel in which to shelter. Remember Dorothy’s bad knee? When we pulled into the parking lot she catapulted from the car, sprinted across the parking lot and was at the door before I had even gotten out of the car. In her defense she was terribly frightened, but apologetic at leaving me behind. Ashely who was still close turned to help me, but I bravely said, “Go on, save yourself!” I really wasn’t too worried. At this point both rain and trees were still vertical. We took shelter in the lobby of the hotel which had ceiling to floor windows. I kind of wondered if perhaps that ditch might have been the better option. As it was we rode out the storm in the hotel lobby. After the wind and rain had died down we continued on our way, and obviously we survived our harrowing experience.

On a little calmer note, the fourth graders worked on some learning activities to help their kindergarten buddies with letter recognition, alphabetizing, rhyming words and word/picture recognition. The fourth graders were visited by Polly Paleontologist (Molly Hunt) and learned about rocks, the rock cycle and fossils.

The students performed PT: The Greatest Showman on Earth on Friday, April 13. The performance was free and open to the public. The Tom and Etta Mae Foley Memorial Dinner and Auction will be April 21 at Paws Bingo Hall. The meal will be served from 5pm to 7pm and the auction will begin at 6pm. The Spring Spectacular will be April 30 beginning at 6:30 pm.

Until next month, keep looking for spring!

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