escorts vets at fair; honors Revolutionary War soldiers
Vietnam Veterans Escorted in Darke County Fair Veterans Parade
Fort GreeneVIlle Chapter DAR, a 50th Anniversary Vietnam War
Commemoration Commemorative Partner, proudly escorted Vietnam Veterans
in the 2018 Great Darke County Fair Veterans Parade. Also in attendance
was the American Revolutionary War Patriot Mime that posed with DAR
Two American Revolutionary War Soldiers Honored
Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR and VFW Post 7262 re-dedicated the marker
of American Revolutionary War Soldier William Ashley at Ithaca
Cemetery. Ashley was a Sergeant in the Vermont Militia.
Another dedication was held at Stelvideo Cemetery for newly proven
American Revolutionary War Soldier William Smith. Smith served in the
Delaware Militia for six years and was ranked a private.
Descendants of Ashley and Smith, along with members of the Arcanum
Historical Society were in attendance.