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Lauren Henry, left, Director of the Wayne HealthCare Foundation, presents a check to Kay Sloat, Assistant Program Coordinator for Empowering Darke County Youth. This is the Foundation’s second year of support.

Wayne HealthCare Foundation continues Empowering support

GREENVILLE – The Wayne HealthCare Foundation continued its support of Empowering programs recently with a donation. This is the second year the foundation has supported Empowering’s goal to help young people struggling with their academics.

Foundation Director, Lauren Henry, presented the check to Empowering Assistant Program Coordinator Kay Sloat following a recent After School Program tutoring session at Greenville Elementary and Middle School. The Wayne HealthCare Foundation was established in 2007 to aid in the enhancement of community education and wellness.

Empowering Darke County Youth began its third After School Tutoring Program in September. Over one hundred students have taken advantage of the opportunity and have improved in the fundamental areas of reading and comprehension, and math. The fall session has just wrapped up for the Christmas break having completed nearly 2,500 student contact hours.

“We average about 50 students a day,” said Program Coordinator Bob Robinson. The majority of the program’s volunteers are Edison State Community College students. They are overseen by experienced certified tutors. “This program wouldn’t exist without them,” he added. “At the same time, due to Edison student schedules, we have a real need for adult volunteers. Just an hour or two a week would be a huge help.”

For more information contact Empowering at or on Facebook. Donations are gratefully accepted. Mail to P.O. Box 1113, Greenville 45331.

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